Self-Represented Parties

Parties may represent themselves at the WSIAT in an appeal or application. We can help you understand and navigate the appeal process.

The Appeal Process section of our website has step-by-step information for each stage of an appeal.

The following documents may also help you prepare for your appeal

Do you want to start an appeal? Complete a Notice of Appeal form.

In 2023, the WSIAT launched Navigation Services as another way to help self-represented parties.

Navigation Services

The WSIAT provides a navigator service to people who don’t have a professional representative like a lawyer, paralegal or union representative. We do this to help guide them through the appeal process and make justice accessible.

Our navigators work in pairs. The first helps with starting an appeal and filling out forms. The second helps with preparing an appeal for a hearing.

Navigators can

  • guide you through the appeal process from start to finish
  • explain the role of everyone involved in your appeal
  • help you fill out forms, prepare for your hearing and explain what happens at the hearing
  • answer your questions

Navigators cannot

  • give you legal advice
  • speak for you
  • be your representative
  • be at your hearing
  • refer you to a specific representative or organization
  • provide service in writing only – our navigators want to talk to you to make sure you understand

They have to be neutral because they work for the WSIAT and the WSIAT is neutral.

How we assign navigators

You don’t have to ask for a navigator. We’ll give you one if we see that you’re representing yourself or if you don’t have a professional representative. For example, if your representative is a family member or a friend.

We’ll assign a navigator as soon as we get your appeal.

If we don’t give you a navigator but you would like some help, contact our Call Centre.

If you need more help

Please review the Finding a Representative section if you want legal advice or a representative to help you with your WSIAT appeal.