The WSIAT website can be viewed in other languages!

The WSIAT website is available in both official languages, English and French. But did you know that most desktop browsers allow you to change your language preferences to view a website or a specific web page in your preferred language?

To support the WSIAT’s goal of providing access to justice to our stakeholders, instructions for how to change your language preferences are now available on our website.

French: Click the “FRANÇAIS” link in the top right corner to go to the French language website.

Other languages: Click the “Other Languages” link in the top right corner for instructions on how to change your browser settings to your preferred language.

These links are accessible from every page of the WSIAT’s website.

Troubleshooting tip: if the “Other Languages” link is not visible on your screen, clear your browser cache (browsing/search history).

Please Contact Us if you have any questions or concerns.