Updated and New Practice Directions

As previously communicated here, a new WSIAT Guide, “WSIAT-Initiated Assistance for Medical Issues” has been created as part of the WSIAT’s on-going efforts to promote consistency, transparency and overall fairness in its adjudication.

In relation to the creation of this Guide, two existing Practice Directions have been updated:

The updated Practice Directions can be found here.

In addition, a new Practice Direction, “The Role of Tribunal Counsel Office Lawyers in Appeals and Applications before the Tribunal” has been created.

The purpose of this new Practice Direction is to describe the Tribunal Counsel Office at the WSIAT and transparently explain the role of Tribunal Counsel Office lawyers in appeals and applications before the WSIAT.

The WSIAT Guide and updated processes, as well as the updated and new Practice Directions, come into effect on January 1, 2020 and will apply to appeals and applications initiated after this date. The previous versions of the Practice Directions are repealed. For those appeals and applications initiated before January 1, 2020, a WSIAT adjudicator may make any rulings necessary with respect to the application of the updated Practice Directions and Guide in order to ensure a fair process (see WSIAT Practice Direction: “Powers of Practice and Procedures,” section 3.4).

The WSIAT thanks all stakeholders and representatives for their helpful feedback about the Guide and Practice Directions.

General questions or comments concerning the Guide and/or these Practice Directions can be made in writing and directed to the WSIAT’s General Counsel, Michelle Alton.

Posted: December 24, 2019