WSIAT Consultation Policy

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    The WSIAT will create opportunities for consultation and outreach to promote discussion and knowledge sharing on topics of interest to its stakeholders.

    The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (the "WSIAT" or "Tribunal") has established an external Advisory Group to provide a forum where information about the development of the WSIAT and its priorities are shared with major stakeholders in the workplace safety and insurance system.

    The mandate of the Advisory Group is to act as a consultative resource for the WSIAT and to provide the perspective of the respective stakeholder groups on a range of issues as they arise, including but not limited to:

    • WSIAT practice and procedure;
    • WSIAT Practice Directions;
    • WSIAT forms;
    • Workplace safety and insurance systemic issues involving WSIAT;
    • WSIAT’s accessible website;
    • WSIAT caseload and service-delivery; and
    • Issues raised by the stakeholders.

The intent of the Advisory Group is to foster discussion among the WSIAT’s different constituents on conceptual as well as process issues.

It is not intended to be a forum for the discussion of the merits of individual appeals.

The Advisory Group seeks to have equal member representation from stakeholder organizations and associations from the worker and the employer community. The worker and employer members are representative of the organization or association, rather than individual counsel or representatives.

The Advisory Group generally meets once a year or more frequently, if necessary. There may also be written requests to the members about matters more appropriate for a written submission.

The WSIAT sponsors periodic community-outreach sessions across the province, providing stakeholders in the regions with the opportunity to provide input into topical issues involving the Tribunal.